9 Great Christmas Break STEM Activities2 min read

by Mary Stauffer
9 Great Christmas Break STEM Activities<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Christmas break is here and many of you may already be asking, “What am I going to do with the kids for almost two weeks?!” Breaks from school are a great time to allow your kids to explore some STEM activities.

STEM is an acronym which stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. It is really the integration of these subjects used to create a solution to a problem. In short, STEM is hands-on problem-solving.

Everyone one of us is a problem solver. In our daily lives, we all use

  • science—information about how the world works
  • technology—any man-made application of science
  • engineering—a logical method for solving problems
  • math—counting, measuring and more

STEM activities don’t need to be expensive and can use everyday items. They don’t need to be overly complicated. There are many great websites and online activities for kids. I’ve listed a few of my favorites below for you to check out for yourself.

Pre-Elementary age

Here are some fun things for the wee little ones, including a penguin writing activity, ice islands, and snowflake patterns.

Winter Preschool Activities

Cork stamping Christmas lights

Early Elementary

Kids can make Christmas slime, Peppermint candy crystals, a zip line for Santa, float M & M’s and more!

25 Days of Christmas

Build and create things from leftover Christmas supplies on this site.

Christmas Supplies STEM Projects

Make an inexpensive tinker tray for kids to explore, create, and invent.

Dollar Store Tinker Tray

Late Elementary/Middle School

On this site, kids can build a LEGO Advent calendar, make Christmas ornaments and more!

LEGO Christmas Fun

This site has excellent STEM activities to challenge kids to make Christmas trees using nuts, bolts and washers, gumdrops and toothpicks and more. They also offer 25 days of STEAM challenges.

Christmas Tree STEM Activities

This site challenges students to build small items to compete in a “Winter Olympics”. The STEM activities include a sleigh for Santa that will transport goods the greatest distance, design a way to mail 2 candy canes without breakage, or design a fortress to withstand an attack from catapulted marshmallows.

Winter STEM Olympics

And finally, challenge your student to engineering games!


While you are taking a break from traditional learning in the classroom, teach your children to love learning by giving them hands-on, fun learning activities. This is a wonderful opportunity to spend some quality time with your kids and to share in the enjoyment of learning and creating together. So break out the household items and have some learning fun!

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