Have you considered the decline in Christianity among young people today? Statistics reveal a deeply concerning side of the future of Christianity in America. However, we do not want to throw up our hands and give up. Remember to use this information as motivation to take action. There are three main ways that you can touch future generations with your faith.
This seems too simple sometimes, but it is so important. We must recognize that God hears the pleas of His children. There are many ways that God can use our prayers even more than we ever imagined. Dayspring Christian Academy appreciates the love through prayer that you shower on our ministry.
In recent studies from the Pew Research Center, we see that the population of people who identify with Christianity is on a decline in America today. A report from Rainer Research estimated that 70% of youth that previously were active in church during their adolescent years will leave the church by the age of 22. It is vital for us to be entreating the Lord for our next generation of young people.
Get Involved
Since we are motivated to make a difference for Christ, we must take some kind of action. Look around and find different ways to engage those around you, especially the future generations. People around the globe are seeking answers to questions, and by God’s grace, we have the answer! Engage young people with the Word of God! Let them see the love of Christ in action. By seeking the hearts of young people, we can build relationships and credibility and can then speak into their lives from a more authentic place.
There are many ways that you can give to Dayspring Christian Academy, but today we will highlight one area specifically: Planned Giving. Planned Giving is one area that Dayspring offers to help donors plan to give and continue to make a difference at Dayspring even after God calls them home. Planned Giving is a unique way for you to give a deeper, longer-lasting gift. In addition to your annual gift, Planned Giving helps you to evaluate your current assets and give to Dayspring after you pass on.
If you’d like more information, contact Joanne Martin at jmartin@dayspringchristian.com to learn more.