The development of biblical worldview begins early in life. Obviously, this is a critical issue, for we want our children to think biblically. This is the main focus of a Dayspring education — to teach biblical truth and to help parents inculcate this into their children. This occurs in all subjects at all levels but has some special implications in the area of science. As a result, the Dayspring science curriculum tackles head-on a number of the hollow and deceptive philosophies that are so prevalent in our culture today.
One of those philosophies is evolution. Dayspring students learn the basics of evolutionary philosophy as well as the scientific and biblical problems of such a belief. One major focus of this is in the 7th grade Life Science class. In the spring of each year, after a study of origins has been completed in class, seventh-grade students board a motor coach for a trip to the world-famous Creation Museum near Cincinnati, OH. The purpose of the trip is to illustrate concepts that are discussed in class and further deepen the student’s understanding of biblical thinking especially in the area of science.
This four-day trip includes the following:
Day One:
At the Carnegie Institute in Pittsburgh, PA, students enjoy one of the best dinosaur fossil collections in the world, as well as numerous other exhibits. Students are given formal assignments that challenge them to put their skills to use in discerning the assumptions and presuppositions behind the evolutionary displays as well as identifying the facts and interpreting them from a biblical perspective.
Day Two:
The state-of-the-art Creation Museum presents history from a biblical perspective. Students see many of the things studied during their seventh-grade school year displayed in a way that glorifies God and supports the Scriptures. A ministry of Answers in Genesis, the modern Creation Museum is a fully engaging experience for guests: murals and realistic scenery, computer-generated visual effects, over fifty exotic animals, life-sized people and dinosaur animatronics, a special-effects theater, and more! Also included, a specially scheduled planetarium showing for our group, prior to the museum’s official opening. If you are not familiar with the Creation Museum, visit
Day Three:
The brand new Ark Encounter, opened in 2016, features a full-size reconstruction of the ark built to biblical scale. In an entertaining, educational, and immersive way, the Ark Encounter presents a number of historical events centered on a full-size, all-wood ark based on the dimensions provided in the Bible – and, consequently, the largest timber-frame structure in the world. For the first time this year, students will not only be amazed at the sheer size of this structure but also have the opportunity to have the concepts discussed in class reinforced in this memorable way. You may learn more about Ark Encounter by visiting
Day Four:
On the way home, a stop at the Flight 93 National Memorial not only helps students better understand this terrible event in recent history but provides a backdrop for a time of prayer for our nation and instruction on how an individual’s worldview can affect others. Also on the way home, the class visits a massive cut through Sideling Hill in northern Maryland. This exposed geological feature, known as a syncline, provides dramatic evidence for Noah’s Flood.
Creating a Record of Learning
During the trip, students are engaged in taking notes, answering questions, and making sketches. After returning from the trip, each student prepares and submits a notebook that records their learning. Without a doubt, this field study has become a favorite among students and has been popular with parents as well. As one parent participant shared “What I learned on this trip changed my life!” That ultimately is the goal.
If you would like more information about Dayspring Christian Academy or The Principle Approach, please contact Karol Hasting at 717-285-2000, or use the button below to schedule a private tour.