The 2016 ExtraOrdinary Give3 min read

by Jillian Diffenderfer
The 2016 ExtraOrdinary Give<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">3</span> min read</span>
Reading Time: 3 minutes

For many Christian families, tuition assistance is the method by which they are able to provide their child with the best education possible. Without it, their child would be relegated to public school. Last year, tuition assistance enabled 145 children to attend school at Dayspring Christian Academy.

Dayspring Christian Academy is not a typical Christian school in Lancaster County – it is a school that provides its students with a holistic, Christ-centered, classical education and biblical worldview. America’s Founding Fathers used their knowledge of world history, the rise and fall of governments, classical disciplines and languages, mathematics, and science to found a nation. They were educated in biblical principles as an intrinsic and expected element of their education. They understood principles like God saw them as individuals. They understood self-government and personal responsibility. They took biblical principles and applied them to every area of life. Their biblical worldview formed their moral compass and permeated their thinking. Dayspring Christian Academy and the Principle Approach method of education are modeled upon these ideas and the very style of education that our Founding Fathers themselves received, taught, and lived.

untitled-design-7Through the ExtraOrdinary Give, Dayspring Christian Academy is able to offer tuition assistance to Christian families who would not otherwise be able to enroll their child in a Christian school. ExtraGive funds go to support our families who are pursuing a Christian education for their children.

On November 18, The ExtraOrdinary Give will provide a unique opportunity for Dayspring Christian Academy to win additional funds, both through stretch pool dollars and additional donations. For example, there are several opportunities based on time of day and number of donations that Dayspring has received that would enable us to be selected to receive additional dollars. In other words, when you give can be just as important as what you give! For example, the first 10 organizations to receive 50 unique gifts will each receive a prize of $1,000! This example is just one of many prizes available throughout the day.

Last year’s ExtraOrdinary Give set a precedent we hope to beat! With more than 400 organizations participating this year, it’s sure to be an exciting, and yes, an extraordinary day! Did you know that last year:

  • Every second $63 was raised for 360 nonprofits
  • 40,000 gifts were given to organizations in need
  • $6.1 million was raised in 24 hours
  • $63,000 was raised to support families wanting a Principle Approach education at Dayspring Christian Academy?


The ExtraOrdinary Give is a truly extraordinary opportunity to give a child the chance to receive a Principle Approach education. For the fourth year in a row, Dayspring Christian Academy is thrilled to be participating! We are setting the goal to raise $70,000 in just 24 hours. But, we can’t do it without you! Your gift will not just benefit a family desiring a Principle Approach education for their child, it will also create awareness of Dayspring Christian Academy and our mission to restore America to her biblical foundation.

So, mark your calendars for Friday, November 18, 2016! You can donate online anytime on November 18 by clicking here.

If you would like more information about Dayspring Christian Academy or The Principle Approach, please contact Karol Hasting at 717-285-2000 or email

If you would like more information about the ExtraOrdinary Give, Lancaster County’s largest day of online giving, please visit